
When You Were Here

The evening was cold yet warm at the same time
For your hands were soft and warm in mine
And without a care in the world we lie
Under the stars that conquer the sky

I remember when you used to hold me close
And we’d happily sing to a song you chose
Oh how it felt like home in your warm embrace
But I guess we were never meant to be in the first place

I would gladly spend my forever with you
But you had to break my heart in two
As I lie awake with your voice I could still hear
I cry every night, wishing you were here

You left me while I waited for you
I waited all night ‘til the sky turned blue
But you never came back to me
And I was left broken by your memory

It pained me to see you again
For my heart keeps shattering but here I am
Taking out the rose you gave
And gently placed it on your grave

It was cold that night, only cold
No warmth and no hand to hold
I lifted my hand to wipe my tears
As I cling to my memories of when you were here

Geneen .
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