
Warrior, are you sure you’re a warrior?

hell-bent close-eyed warrior

scream a battlecry even when the world is deaf,

swing your sword every time you hear a voice that resists.

tell me who’s the god you worship,

maybe then you’ll make sense

in the eyes of people who have been awakened

by the sound of bombs.


hell-bent fearless warrior,

what are you fighting for?

was your oath an excuse

to slay the hearts of men

that stand with the truth?

was your sword drenched with blood

by all the lives you ended

with your eyes closed?

tell me, o great warrior,

why are you dedicating your life

to someone who orders you

to silence the people

you should protect?


hell-bent pretentious warrior,

you turn a blind eye when they scream for help

but you bury a bullet in their flesh

when they try to fight for their rights—

tell me, apathetic warrior,

can you still distinguish what’s right

and what’s wrong,

or are you already corrupted

by the ideology of a fake prophet?


hell-bent dreadful warrior,

you tell us we are the problem

that everything’s chaotic.

but tell me, o great warrior,

why aren’t you blaming your god?

he should be the one granting peace

and your wish for a comfortable life

but there you are,

with a weapon in your hand,

surrounded by carcasses and injustice

and oppression and war

and broken promise

of a comfortable life

are you sure you are dedicating your life

to someone as great as a god

or was he the devil all along,

a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

are you sure he is your light,

your way of a prosperous life,

your truth?

that god is just a lousy imitation

and your faith will be wasted

if you continue to believe in him.


warrior, are you sure you are a warrior?

are you really awake

or are you still dreaming?

can you hear the sound of bells?

can you hear the cries of a thousand men?

or are you pretending to be asleep?


revolution is coming,

the people are slowly waking up,

and maybe in that moment,

you’ll realize that you are powerless

in the eyes of the oppressed

and your god is nothing but a coward,

hiding behind puppets like you

to protect him when these men

stand with the truth

you’re desperately trying to hide.

and in that moment,

it will be too late

to beg for mercy.





hello there. this is actually my first time posting my poems to a platform. i write a lot but i am still a newbie. lmao so tell me your thoughts about this poem so that i could improve my writing skills. thank you 😊

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