
Unsaid and Undone

Those words that we haven’t said are the words that means so much.

The things that we didn’t do are the ones we mostly regret.

The things that should be done remained undone. 

The words that we should have said remained unsaid. 

 I think it’s human nature. To regret the things that we should have said and done. You should have said ‘sorry’ for the people you hurt. For the people that you offended. For the people that you burdened. 

You should have said the words that has been blowing up your mind. You should have said the words you want to say for the person you like. For your friends. For your family. For the people around you.

You should have helped the people that needed your help. You should have defend someone that is too defenseless to stand up in their own. You should have raised your hand for all the times you wanted to recite or ask questions or maybe to speak up. You should have said hello on every person who sat next to you. 

Regret. It’s a destructively powerful feeling. 

It eats you up until you can’t even eat. It keeps you up at night until you can’t get any sleep. It gets you down until you can’t stand up. 

You know what’s the medicine for regret? 

Stand up again. And get enough bravery to say all things unsaid, and do all things undone.

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