
To Humanity- Calm Amidst The Chaos

Today’s time are the days when

Madre Naturaleza’s children

can finally come out of their

hiding places where they sought

refuge from the cruel, heartless Gente

who doesn’t even blink when inflicting

pain and taking advantage of their naivety

till an unfamiliar force has intervened and

has deliberately turned the tables around

After a long time of grim hide and seek, 

Montaña has finally seen Cielo again

Nubes had never glowed so fairly like now

Viento rushed to fetch Olas, pronto, so they 

can finally soar together once more

and the sight of Mar kissing Tierra has never been more breathtaking and heaftfelt as it was

while the forlorn rendezvous of Sol and Luna

could not care less of what the world thinks 

as Estrella watches adoringly, beaming solely

everyone cannot help but watch them in awe

and some precious minds with subtle eyes

began to wonder how long they can witness

such beautiful sights from this day on before

Codicia and Malvada destroys all of it along 

with their beloved Paz and Serena

Janelle Rainne Parfan
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Janelle Rainne Parfan

Hello! I love writing poems most and I pour my heart out in every piece that I make. I am also flexible and open to any writing genres. I love writing- without wax.