
Reflections on an Easter Sunday

I posted the same photo almost a year ago with these words:

“How many times have we walked past something as beautiful as this sight? We often get lost in our own anxieties, caught up with all our responsibilities, that we fail to appreciate the beauty in simple things.

And sometimes, the simplest ones are actually the most valuable – making us believe that, truly, life is worth all the countless times of trying…over and over again. Because if the flowers in these trees can bloom gracefully despite the scorching sun, so are we in the midst of our own daily battles.”

Probably this time around, the flowers have bloomed once again in that tree; unfortunately, I’ll not be able to take a photo of them now. A lot has transpired in that one year – from the exhausted 2nd year student who was struggling to survive each day in school, without being anxious about almost everything, towards being a much less troubled, more relaxed 3rd year student who has found strength in the people around her.

Looking back, I get amazed by how much has changed in a span of a year. I realized that people are indeed capable of transformation, and that we all have stories to tell — stories ranging from our little daily victories to the huge steps we have taken towards development and self improvement. And looking at this photo, I am reminded of how much I was hurting back then…but in the midst of all the hurt, those flowers served as a reminder that God was with me even in my lowest point; that there have been moments when the sun shone the brightest even as I was going through my darkest days; that He has loved me even in those times when it was most difficult for me to love myself; and that I could still bloom…even in the midst of my seemingly never ending battles.

…and so I did. Just like these flowers, I have bloomed. More so, I was healed. And it was all because of His love — that same love which brings about this beautiful sight.

This Easter, we commemorate that same love — the love that is far greater than anyone could ever give; because it was a love that is capable not only of dying for the most undeserving; but more so, powerful enough to resurrect… to return. We remember the promise that, today, all things have become new.

To me, Easter is about healing — in all aspects. Yes, we may still be facing the pandemic in the coming days, weeks…but in the midst of striving, God is working. ♥️

Mary Grace Subijano
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