
Quarantine Reflection

If there’s one thing that I’ve realized in these times of distressed and trouble, it is the fact that “Life is short”. Not to mention the uncertainties and all of the pains and sorrows endowed with it. But you see, it is because of these trying times that we get to see life on another scale. Pains and sorrows are part of life, but it’s not the highlight of it. What we become after we went through those trials is far more important, nonetheless. If you’re one of those people who think that life is meaningless, think again. It is you who gives meaning to your own life. Whatever that is happening around you are just factors of what your life ought to be, but it is you who has the final say. Is it possible to enjoy life in the midst of trouble? Certainly! If you will see in a much wider view, you will see that this part of the story is just a piece in a much wider canvas that God is putting together to make a beautiful masterpiece out of. Try seeing your life in that way, then you might as well find the meaning of Life itself.

David Rick Samar
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David Rick Samar

I'm an introvert idealist. I'm very passionate in what I do, may it be singing, playing an instrument, writing songs, writing my thoughts, and so on. But most importantly, I'm a God-fearing man who loves God more than anything , and I'm on a mission to change the world.

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