

So we’ve all been in quarantine for a while. I have so many thoughts for the past few weeks. 

I’m an introvert, so I made like zero changes in my lifestyle. But even though, I still miss going out to the ‘outside world’; to be able to see the mountains, the seas, the busy streets and the buzzing people, meeting your friends, going out with family to eat or stroll at the parks/malls, etc. But as the Ben&Ben lyrics say, “All will be alright in time.” I do hope so it will. 

This quarantine gives us the gift of time. Time to be with family, or to find yourself again, to lit that fire of wanting to do something that we’ve forgotten because of our busy schedules before the quarantine. Maybe it was a way of finding ourselves again, detaching from the world for it to heal and for us to heal and recreate ourselves as well. Maybe it’s a sign that we’ve been overlooking the simple things. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Because while we keep to ourselves in our homes, mother nature is healing. 

It is a sign that you should focus on yourself. This time, you don’t have to think of anything. You don’t have to stress yourself out from school. Maybe you can finally learn that recipe you’ve been wanting to learn, or write the story you’ve started, read or watch the series you’ve been excited to finish, trying your luck again on guitar, or finally have that complete 8 hours of good sleep. Things like that is what keeps us still sane and somehow calm amidst all of what’s happening. You come to realizations as well. 

And hey, maybe when the Enhanced Community Quarantine is over, when the world has healed of the pandemic, we’ll all be renewed individuals. We have become more in-depth persons because admit it or not, this E.C.Q had an impact to all of us, in one way or another. 

So make the most out of it, of being somewhat an ‘introvert’ because you’re gonna miss it, I say. We may be all different, but this made us all come together. 

If you’re feeling lonely, just look up at the sky, then you’ll have everyone with you. Because we are all under the same sky. 



Frances Marie Cabonce
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