

When I realized the power of numerology since when I was teenager, it changes my life for the better. Not only it increases my self-confidence but also I figured it out where my potentials and abilities lies.

Why numerology? People gave me this looks if I was a mind-reader or something. Sometimes, they ask me a question of why I know all of these things. I would like to thank my introspective and curious traits for digging deeper about it. I forgot to mention “GOOGLE” too. If I were being honest, google is way more smarter than people. He can answer about everything. I WISH I HAVE THOSE SUPERIOR INTELLECT!. Anyways, learning numerology is easy if you have the discipline and the open-mindedness to study. According to our mayans, the names that we have, has it’s own respective numbers. For example, my first letter name is M, it represents the number 4. To numerology number personality, the meaning of it was all about stability. Whether it’s career, health, or anything that you may thought of.  It represents discipline, hard-work and being organized in which it describes ME. So special kudos to those people who have a letter  M on their first name. In numerology, they have 5 numbers instilled within us since when we were born on this earth. The first was, the life path number, it means the direction that you about to take in this life and strengths that will accompany you. Life purpose. Sample computation :

I was born on March 19, 1998.

March has a position of a number three in numerology. 

Signifies creativity and cheerfulness

Back to the life path number calculation: 

If you want to know your life purpose in life all you have to do is these:

add all these numbers 

3 + 1 +9 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 ( This is my birthday) Once you add them all, I do have a number 4. Life path 4 means you’re here in this life to work hard on the things that you wanna do. You stick for the long haul. You never give up to any obstacles that you may face. Having goals and to-do-lists are your forte. You’re the type of people who managers wanted. Because your work ethic is unparalleled compare to most. People like us come across as trustworthy and reliable. 


Matthew Solidum
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Matthew Solidum

Persistent / Imaginative / Quirky