
Light in Darkness


Have you experience living in darkness? How’s life without light? Lonely? Well, yeah, it hurts.

There’s this girl with her light at her side all the times. She keeps on holding her light because she’s so afraid to be in the dark especially when no one was around. But someone took her light away and bring it to a very far place where in she could never have her light again. By that, she started living in darkness, feeling lonely and alone. All she wishes every second was to have her light back. But it did not happened. It will never happened. That’s why she started to think that her life will be worthless. She’s now in the moment where in she’s regretting every chances and opportunities she wasted to spend and be happy with her light. She keepa on begging that someone who took her light by asking for a second chance to wish all the things she never had just to let her light know how much she loved and cared. She wants to hug her tight and tell her that she’s her shining light. But again, it will never happen again. She had her legos. These legos of her keep on telling her to keep on going and keep the lights on because life should be continued for it is a gift that should be treasure. Also, there’s this Superman to heal her heart and save her from pain. From that moment, she started to keep on the positive side of life and always reminding herself that life should go on even without her light. Cause she have her legos. She have Superman. That’s why she’s now focusing on her dream and working on the path she had chosen wherein she can be an instrument of his Superman and be someone’s sharpener,eraser, pencil, handkerchief, chair and compass. Sharpener to give more hope in life when someone is giving up. Eraser to erase the negativity, longingness, loneliness of someone. Pencil to write a new page of their life. Handkerchief to shed their tears. Chair to be their comfort zone when they felt tired. Compass to guide them to the right path. Yes, she’s now on her way, sparkling like glitter and shining like diamond.

Before I end, let me introduce that “she”. Well, that “she” is me, that “light” is my mom, that “legos” are my siblings and that “Superman” is my savior.

Again, that “she” is me, saying that someday, there will be a point in someone’s life that we may stumble and fall, be at darkness, have rough times, but there will be always a light to lift us up and fix us from pain. All we need is to trust in Him and live according to His will. So, go and find your light, live with Superman, then start to sparkle and shine altogether! Even in darkness.

Via Mae Villanueva
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Via Mae Villanueva

A future educator who believes that each and everyone has their purpose to live. A strong-willed woman who aims to strengthen individuals' hearts by sharing her thoughts and writings. A passionate Christian who motivates and inspires people.

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