
Just say ‘goodnight’ and go

I shed a tear as I fear the last time we met would never lead to another one…

I remember the night you came into my life, and it was still so clear to me how I might’ve intentionally looked at you the moment you walked in with your blue jacket. The room was cold and your eyes were calculating, seemingly examining the parts of a big picture displayed right in front of you, and I was a spec of color for my bright pink shirt. I saw you and decided you were cute, even before we got a chance to talk to each other. You were simply there, and I was determined to catch your interest and make you see me, for I didn’t know why I found it impossible to ignore you. I had a weird feeling that that time would be special, but for some reason I wasn’t looking special. I didn’t style my hair like I wanted to; didn’t swipe my favorite lipstick shade when I ought to. I lacked the spark I always carry with me. Even so, I displayed a smile that I hoped would reach you.

You were helping me troubleshoot an otherwise arduous task, but to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t be complaining if it would happen again and again. Beside you my heart fluttered. I felt at ease to work with a guy I knew nothing about. You just made me feel calm, and I was all warm. There was openness and honesty in your gestures, and I admired it enough for me to share myself as you went about your magic.

I laughed with my friends, but I was thinking of you. I wanted you to know that you can be at ease with me too. And for a very particular reason, maybe it was because of me starting to like you. Now that I could paint the whole picture, I’m holding on to the short memories I’ve had with you.

I remember it all too well, when you asked for my name and I had it written down on your phone. You had a playful spark in your eyes, and I looked at them and saw my reflection.

The stars never lie, and I believe in them.

I’m wishing for the second time that I will meet you at the end of this.

– a ray of light

Rukia Heartilly
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Rukia Heartilly

I love how the sun shines at 5 pm, like someone’s soft gaze when they’re happiest.

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