

I was born being an introvert. I thought at first, it was a bad thing. Then, I realized we’re awesome as we used to be. To most people, there are so many misconceptions about this type of people. They are shy and anti-social. Once I start to focus on this persona, I actually become the kind of person. You know as they say “whatever the mind conceives, it becomes real”. Which is 100% true.

As I do my research, knowing the depth of being an introvert was astonishing. Not only they come across as intelligent. They’re the kind of people who choose their words carefully in a sense were they didn’t want to offend people. Which is cautious. Compare to most people, some of them speak their minds or communicating things without further thinking.  Introverts also great at expressing themselves thru the written word. They prefer answering texts, emails or any activities involving without communicating with numerous people. They feel like, they’re being kidnapped or abducted. In life, we have to face our fears instead of running away from them. Once you faced all of them, it gave you a perspective that life is all about seizing the “NOW”. Never dwelling on the past. Surely, you can give yourself a special credit of being the most courageous person on earth. You feel like you’re in top of the mountain. Introverts are known for being great listeners, don’t be fooled by their quiet demeanor. These person, not only understand the non-verbal cues of a body language. They also give you advice to your problems. They ask questions and start to think of an alternative way on how you be able to conquer those obstacles you have. Lastly, introverts are known for choosing quality group of friends. They prefer talking to small groups. Being surrounded by people is a no-no for them. It depletes their energy. They’re the opposite of extroverts, they get their energy talking to people. Even though it’s  a stranger. They might actually become buddies quickly. Whenever you feel lost because of being an introvert. Me as well, have those kind of experience. They are some days were I feel like, I don’t want to get up on bed. Because I’m a total weirdo. People don’t understand my sense of individuality. Guess what? Who cares? Right! We, all people, are born different. Life would be boring if we’re all the same. Once you start loving yourself, I’m talking about loving every curve you have on your body, every mistake you made, your dark side, your good side, strength and weaknesses or anything you could think of, start to learn the art of self-acceptance. We must fully utilized being an introvert, without these people, they’re would be no smartphones (iphone and androids phones on this planet). Introverted people are the innovators of our technological advancements, advocate of human rights, Helping the underdog thru nasty bullies and quiet leaders behind the scenes. If you’re an introvert, please be informed that YOU’RE REALLY AWESOME!!.

Matthew Solidum
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Matthew Solidum

Persistent / Imaginative / Quirky