
Good Morning

It’s 6AM; dawn is now upon us.

We find ourselves seated outside the bar
on two plastic Monoblock chairs we found
facing the street lined with parked cars
waiting for their owners to come around.

Our empty beer bottles on the floor
show how much we have been talking
about love and life and loss – everything –
with cigarette smoke lingering, manic energy dispersing.

It’s 6:30AM; it is time to rest.

The world is waking; we are sober.
You get up, pay up, get ready,
and tell me you’ll bring me home.
Now the sun’s rising, slow and steady.

We get in the car and start to leave
knowing our yesterday will surely have repeats
as long as we do not challenge
our state of contentment that life permits.

It’s 7AM; the day is starting over.

Never wishing for things to change
 with how you hold me in your heart
has made me wonder so for long
with questions that can rip us apart.

There is a silence surrounding us here
with the things we left unsaid, unheard
as we keep our hands clasped together,
not bursting our bubble with lines blurred.

It’s 7:30AM; I find courage with caution.

Now, this question begs to be asked:
would it be such a bad thing
to let this what if be free
and see what result it will bring?

I do not want to leave you,
realizing that I don’t want to deny
what has been there all this time
and with this courage, I should try.

It’s 8AM; we finally reach my house.

I smile and take a deep breath,
exchange pleasantries along with good night,
And without warning, kiss you good morning
bringing what was kept hidden to light.

It’s 8:01AM; I get ready to leave.

You grab my wrist, keeping me still
as the distance between us start disappearing,
erasing every single fear I currently feel,
and then, you kiss me good morning.

The world seems to have stopped spinning
as the world we knew starts changing,
turning our usual contentment into a commitment,
ushering this promise of a new beginning.

It’s 8:05AM; the world is clearer, brighter.

With our lips parted, hearts at ease,
we find ourselves at peace like this,
uttering these words like a magic spell
to summon this newfound clarity and bliss.

Good morning.

Anj Wei
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