
Fortress of my Soul

When war broke out, 

Or dissent of people turns to rebellion, 

They built a fortress that will shield them, 

From assault and death. 


Likewise, I build my own fortress, 

Fortifying it with passion and creativity, 

As I fight my own battles, 

And shield me from imminent attack. 


Depression and anxiety have been my foe, 

Leaving me in a corner to despair, 

Swallowed in the depth of blankness, 

As I continue to drown in sadness. 


In the face of this adversary, 

Writing helped me to cope up, 

Scribbling the thoughts in my mind, 

Composing works of naivety. 


I continue to write and challenge my thoughts, 

Conceiving words to harmonize in verses, 

Creating poems of experience, 

Thanks to this platform known as Diaries. 


Mian Zeder
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