
Fighting for Happiness

I grew up wondering, when will I truly be happy and how?

All the years of my existence were just an open yet blank pages of a book.

I do things that I’m not really sure if that’s what I like.

My parents and the people around me said it’s good and I should do it so, I did.

I’m really clueless if it makes me happy or not but what I instilled in my mind is that,

“Happiness is a choice”.

Yes, whether it’s my strength or not. I liked it or not, I didn’t think about it anymore.

I chose to enjoy every moment and find the good in it.

I guess it’s kind of effective though.

Until one day, my world literally went upside down

and everything seems to be falling apart.

All those things I fed up in my system were suddenly gone.

Yet, I’m still not sure if I’m happy about it or not but one thing’s certain, “I’m free”.

( 🎶free to do things I wanna do 🎶) you know that line from a song?

Well, that’s exactly what’s going on in my mind that time.

No assurance, no direction but I’m finally free!

If you will be asked, what is happiness? What will be your answer? Is it a luxurious car?

A huge modern house? A new edition pair of Nike shoes? Top brand bags and clothes?

It may sound so idealistic and clingy but for me, happiness is love and freedom.


Is it that important to fight for our happiness?

We often do everything we can to buy that one precious thing for us.

Why? Because it satisfies us and it makes us happy?

How about fighting for who we really are and be free to be a total genuine happy person?

Is it still important nowadays?


If it is still important to fight for our happiness,

how can we do that in a world that keeps on telling us “You’re just like this!”,

“This is what you can only do!”, “This should be who you are!”?

First, the master of your body and mind is nobody else but you.

You need to make a decision. Are you going to be happy or not?

Will you do things that makes you happy

or you will continue being this lonely and grumpy slave of the society?

Second, have a plan and make it happen. It may not be easy for everyone

to get out from their comfort zone and there are things you have to consider.

Weigh your priorities, you don’t need to be in a hurry.

The only important thing is you know who you are, what you really want,

you were in the right track and trust the process.

Third, be clear why do you want to fight for this happiness.

It’s not always a smooth road but let Him guide you and don’t forget that

it’s your own life and own happiness that you are protecting and fighting for.


I bet no one would wish for an overnight happiness, right? But the truth is, life wouldn’t be complete without the opposites. So basically, we cannot be happy all the time unless you chose to be. I want to fight for my happiness since I was a child and to my surprise, I still am fighting after the twenty-three years of my existence. Every day as I woke up, every time an unfortunate event happens, every time someone that I love needs to be far away from me, every time my career path is on the rocks, and even when my last day on earth arrives, I will still fight for my happiness.

Why? Because it makes me human, How? By simply being grateful for everything that keeps me living, Until when? Until the day I won’t see anything but smiles with genuine happiness.

Giddy PRoactor
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