
Effects of the Digital World to the Oldies

Given that we are now in a more advance era, it’s not just the new generation who’s adapting in the technology that we have right now. Even the old ones were also following the trend for them to cope up in today’s latest issues. 

Ever since, people loved to talk about what’s new in their surroundings and in which phase of life they were at the moment. Everyone seems to care with their neighborhood that they need to be updated on the current situation. That’s really common especially in the Philippines. 

However, when technology comes in to the picture, there were some little changes that the society needs to accept and understand. At first, we used to say that the kids should not use gadgets at a very young age. We often say that it has negative effects and it changes the behavior of the new generation. 

But as time goes by, the change became unstoppable and instead of putting an end to it, you will hear the elders asking their young kids or even grandchildren, “Can you teach me how to do that?”, “How to post this on facebook?”, “How can I share my friend’s post?” and a lot more. 

It’s just quite funny how can a trend or a “new norm” change your whole perception. Regardless, change is inevitable and it’s part of growth. But we still have to be careful, for anything that is too much can always be dangerous. 

If changes in the behavior of the children were evident since the digital world started, so as with the elders. You might wanna check if your parents or grandparents were having these effects too! And if you are one of the oldies, take a look on the following for personal checking:

1. Lack of Patience
– We used to adore the elders for their unending patience may it be with their kids, work or simple chores in the house. But if they’re too much involved in the digital world, that good trait that they can pass to the youngsters may already be gone without them even noticing it. 

2. Shipping Priorities
– Before, their main goal is to be a good example and provider for the family. They were devoted to perform their purpose in the family, but when they became busy scrolling on facebook and watching series on youtube, it’s now a different story. 

3. Attentive to Unnecessary Things
– It may just be an effect of seeing so much buttons and popping ads but they’ve become a lot more curious in those things that don’t even matter in their lives. Being updated to one’s timeline, new posts or new episodes were more important than the welfare of their kids (sometimes). They were even more aware of what’s happening in other people’s lives than their own child.

4. More Emotional
– It’s normal for a growing person to be more sensitive than before. It’s just that social media seems to trigger emotional dysfunction nowadays. Unconsciously, different emotions were formed every time we see something online that we can relate in our own personal life. The good thing is, it can be positive and motivating but it can also be the other way around.

5. Unconsciously Develops Negative Feelings
– Anything that we use or do excessively has an impact in our mind and body. Being too much attached in the digital world, specifically social media, gives us different responses. Usually, being fond of the so called “trend” makes us forget what really matters. 

These effects actually applies for the younger generation too. It was just a reminder for the adults or older ones that we were supposed to be the guide of our future generation and nothing’s wrong with adapting to change but let’s not forget the values that once we ought to teach in order to create a more peaceful and healthy environment for everyone. 

Giddy PRoactor
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