

Two hours.

It takes two hours to believe in something I would only believe for myself.

And, it’s done.

For 28 years I finally was able to see my reality. 

It took so long, it drained me. 

I totally lost it. Every hope, understanding, and patience. I lost it all.

And for what it’s worth, my sanity is what I only care about right now. 

I once wronged other people who cared for me owing to the fact that I was hurt.

I won’t let that happen again. 

I won’t lose myself to feed your satisfactions. 

I’m done being the person who always understands. 

I’m done being the person who cared so much forgetting I have my own life in front of me. 

I never intended to hurt anyone especially those who I love the most but I also don’t intend to pretend I’m okay with everything.

Every decision that I make right now is painful. 

It’s definitely not what I want but it’s what I need. 

I hope I won’t turn into the person they are trying for me to be. 

I just want to live a life where I am free.

A life where your loved ones are NOT the ones who are ruining you.

Giddy PRoactor
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