
An Inside Battle

I’ve seen it before, the greed, the hunger for fame and power, the endless battle of an inside agony. 

It’s not what we’ve lost that is traumatizing but the lack of trust and security that our well-being is the top priority. 

Sometimes I let it out with laughter and loud smiles but I know deep down it’s tearing me apart and I just want it to stop. 

The more I wanna forget, the more I can’t remember what laughter is all about. That playful child I can no longer deal with, waiting for a grown-up to step in. 

It seems to me that in this life, I’ve searched for someone who really cares, or at least knows how to take care and handle my physical self abandoned by its mental and emotional state.  

But it’s completely wrong… to put another burden on anyone who’s also dealing with his/her personal insecurities and incapabilities. To anyone who also needs someone to hold with.

It’s a different battle on the same battlefield that only one can win or lose over. A battle only you can put to an end with. 


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