
A Letter To My Healer

It’s been a year since our roads crossed But it didn’t took me a day to trust you It’s been a year since we became in to the roller coaster ride of our relationship Turn downs, shutdowns, silence, small talks, up to those deep ones (Then repeat) But it didn’t took me a second to think How comforting it is to be by your side How mesmerizing it is to think this lasted Yet, I still, and always, fear of not being responsible enough for this mania I am afraid to be the knife that will cause you scars I fear to be unworthy Of such gem that lies in your heart How precious it is that I don’t know where to pick the urge to touch it with my bare hands Mine that doesn’t know white I apologize for being sullen I don’t know what’s within you But I tell you, I always feel amazing with you, My angel, My savior, My happy pill

Julie Anne Lumongsod
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Julie Anne Lumongsod

I write based on experience. If you have read my poems then you have seen me naked.