
When to Fight and When to Let go?

This question applies not just into a romantic relationship but also in your career, and other things in life that keeps you going but at the same time, keeps on hurting you. 


My former teacher once asked me, “Paano mo malalaman kung dapat ka ng bumitaw?” (How will you know if it’s time for you to let go?) 

I clearly remember my answer,  it was; “Kapag mag-isa ka nalang po na lumalaban?” (When you’re the only who’s fighting?) Yes, with a question mark! Because I’m not sure with my answer back then for I’m just a typical high school student who’s into so much emotions. 


But as I grew up, I learned to choose my battles. I would end up going back to that scenario and it amazes me that I didn’t have the wrong answer so far. But I want to clear it up, It’s not that I often choose to let go of the the things that is important to me. It’s just that, I don’t fight alone. 


I would fight for it with all my might with the help of those who believes and truly loves me. I realized that, no one can fight any battle alone.  

In case there’s really nobody there beside you at that time you needed them the most, just always remember that HE is still there beside you and won’t let you fight on your own. 


However, when that same thing that I fought for reached that point where it’s crashing me down and it’s hurting a lot more people, I choose to let go and think of it this way, 


“God let it passed by your life for you to grow and learn from it but there is something better coming” you can also apply it with (someone) hehe. 


FIGHT, when you do it for the people you love including yourself and if you are continuously growing along the journey. Growing means you’re getting more connected to HIM, you’re getting to know yourself better, you appreciate the moment and the people in your life before-during-and after and when you are guided in the direction where you have to be. 


LET GO, when the purpose of the battle is pride, revenge and obsessiveness. When it hurts you more than makes you smile and proud. When it started ruining who you really are and you’re loosing more important persons and things in your life. When you feel alone and lost but you still think that you can do it on your own even without the help of anyone or even HIS guidance. 


Nothing’s wrong whether you keep on fighting or you choose of letting go. It’s just a matter of purpose and never forget that whatever is your choice between the two, what’s bound to happen will happen. What’s yours will be yours in time. Acceptance is the key for you to have a more peaceful life. 

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