
Man in Room No. 1

Let me say this

This whisper of my silent thoughts

I’ve been looking from afar

Since the day the history started, where it also has to end

How could you be so cool

And finesse

Act like a timid one

But look so attractive

I’ve never seen that gentle man in you

Well, not until you let me


Let me say this

This whisper of my silent thoughts

Let me say this so it won’t cut deeper

And give you more spaces to be in

For my world is so chaotic

My love as well

For it never stays but it lingers


Let me say this

This whisper of my silent thoughts

Let me look at you from here, way too far

Never look my way

For I am confused

From the start, I am

But it will never look that way, right?

I am afraid to know

For I may fall into the uncertainty of yes and no


I already do

Julie Anne Lumongsod
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Julie Anne Lumongsod

I write based on experience. If you have read my poems then you have seen me naked.