
Man on Guitar

I wish to write everything that’s in my head

For you to know how you affect me with your presence

Your smile,

Your laugh,

The way you look at me,

Your voice,

You playing the guitar


The thought makes me melt again

But I don’t know how to do it

I don’t know how to describe the happiness that you brought in to my life

How do I explain

how my heart skips a beat

every time I hear your name?

Or how do I describe

the way my lungs gasp for air

every time you sing my name?

How do I find

the words to say

when I know words will fail

to explain your love?

How do I describe

the way my heart melts

when your eyes smile with your lips?

And how do I even begin to describe

how my face lightens up

when your lips curve into a smile?

How it’s too beautiful

that your single smile

can turn words into poetry?

How do I tell you

my knees grow weak

every time you laugh?

How am I supposed to tell you

I love you?

How am I supposed to tell you

that you make me happy?

I know a million words will never be enough to explain the magic this moment has

But I am glad I had this with you.

Julie Anne Lumongsod
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Julie Anne Lumongsod

I write based on experience. If you have read my poems then you have seen me naked.