
Finished Chapter

They say,

If you don’t know how to end something

then go back to where it started

And find out why it was supposed to end


And so, I closed my eyes and moved back in time


I don’t know when to start

Cause honestly,

Ours was full of uncertainty

I am wondering,

Would it be the 18th?

The day when we started to share stories and laughter

Would it be the 20th?

When I was lost then you were there to take care of me

Would it be the 7th?

When I confirmed, yes there’s something that’s about to bloom

Would it be the 11th?

When we made it official

I don’t know when

For the numbers in the calendar might almost run out

Yet memories are still coming


It’s hard to say

when was the beginning of this

For every waking day

always seemed to be the first

I never get used of your presence


I always get excited with the thought of you

You effortlessly know how to


It’s hard to say

But one thing is for sure

Goodbyes will never be that easy as well


And I suddenly feel an immense sadness again…


Maybe I should start today

The same day

when I felt how to be home again

And be alive

(And maybe this sets the best start)


I can’t say if you’ll barely remember

But I completely do

Every time I think of you

I can vividly see everything

I can truly feel the euphoria in every moment

You have no idea how much I remember 

every single moment that I had with you

And wished to, atleast, had done everything on earth with you


This very time,

The time I saw home in your eyes

I always aimed to see that ever-glow

I always wanted to see you happy

The moment I saw the future in you

How cowardly courageous I am

To do everything just to end up lying in your arms


You said, “It takes no time to fall in love

But it takes years to know what love is”

It took me a while to know what my love for you is

It is brave and persevere

And I’m glad it is


For 2 years,

I know there was so much that happened

We laughed, we cried, we hate, we love

We had been on a surf dance ride

But I can say,


I chose you

For you are my safe haven,

My comfort,

My home


I know the road with me was completely tough

There was so much hurt

So much tears

But still,

I chose you

For I believe that what we had

was stronger than what we lack


I’m sorry.

Feeling those,

I hurt you.

I know I was too risky to have

Yet I continued to choose you

Hoping you’ll stay until these downs end

For I believe in us


I apologize for being so hard


I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done

And those I haven’t.


I’m sorry for what I’m not


Now I realized,

Why we end up is because

My love for you might be too full for you to bare

Or lacks for you to hold on to

But one thing is for sure

Ours was not meant for us


And so,

My love for you took another form

It is letting go


I once heard,

For a story to be actually called a story

It has to have an end

I don’t know how to do ours

But then

I guess

I need to


So, this is it.



Matagal kong sinuyod ang buong mundo para hanapin ka

And you came so unexpectedly

The time when I was so unconsious

Who would have known

That the man sitting in the corner of the room,

Quiet and a bit intimidating

Would own my heart.

Yes you do.

But now,

My love,

Ihahatid na kita, sa lugar kung saan ka magiging masaya


Sorry if it took me too long

To cease


To manage this love I have for you

I’m sorry I cannot kill it yet

Like what you wanted me to do

But gradually,

As I accept the fact that

We were not meant for each other,

and maybe that would be fine,

I’ll be there

Hope this would be an easy healing


No more hates

No more blames

No more what ifs

Only questions that are maybe better left unknown

Memories that might still sting but will not bother

Ours will be remembered, forever alive in the poems,

Lines of the songs,

And canvas

I pictured you in


My love,


This will be my 167th and last piece for you

I guess this is end

No more turning backs

I am signing off



Gihigugma jud tika

But now,

I’m setting us free


Be happy, always

Julie Anne Lumongsod
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Julie Anne Lumongsod

I write based on experience. If you have read my poems then you have seen me naked.