
The Lake and the Waves

You are of the lake

as calm, tranquil and serene

and warm as the sun;

a reflection of your soul.

And I am of the waves

deep and untameable,

full of shipwrecks,

lost mysteries and magnificent pearls.


You are of the lake;

quite maidenly, almost fathomless

–constantly glimmering in the evening.

Calm, tranquil and serene

as peaceful as your soul was. 

And I am of the waves;

stormy, full of tides &unknown creatures

yet still fathomless and dreamy

tirelessly dealing with its tides and waves

along with its lost mysteries & magnificent pearls



You are of the forest and grass,

of its cold mountains in the north.

And I am of shoreline and coasts,

of its sand & unique shells

Yet we are not of each other

for my tide may drown your peaceful soul,

my wave’s current might shake 

your sound of mind

nor could my depth be your everlasting rest. 



You are of the lake

And I am of the waves,

both beautiful and ethereal bodies of water

that can’t be seen together

but instead shall stay as nature’s 

enchanting fusion of wonder that cannot be.

Sashi Ferns
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Sashi Ferns

A cradler of secrets and a perpetual captive of her self-constructed prison. I write to express the innermost thoughts that my heart bleeds, not for the world to know.