

Who would’ve thought that I’d find my other half on the street of Morayta? I vividly remember how destiny found its way to our path. Every time I will remember that moment, there is a lingering sensation that flows down through my veins and send shivers to my body.

It was six in the evening of Friday.  I was standing on the sidewalk right in front of the school where I am applying for. I was trying to hail a cab when the torrent rain poured down. I immediately find the umbrella inside my bag but it wasn’t there; I forgot to bring it with me. There’s nowhere to hide, the rain was heavy and the raindrops was already rippling through my skin. I was already freezing from the cold and I had no choice but to find a safe place where I can wait for the rain to stop. 

Though the road was slippery, it didn’t stop me to keep on running ‘til I bumped off to someone. I was ‘bout to fall down when he grabbed my torso. The rain seemed to stop for a moment. He offered his refuge and I didn’t hesitate to stand beside him while we were under the palms of the umbrella.

We headed to the nearest building from our eye-view, it was like a mini-mall. I entered the convenience store that was situated inside; I bought a cup of hot coffee to take away the chill.  I was already taking a sip when I realized that he was nowhere to be found. I was a little bit worried for him. I didn’t even take the chance to know his name. An hour had passed but the skies are still crying hard. I checked my phone but it was empty. I was left with no choice but to wait until the skies become clear.

I took the last sip of coffee when the cold began to touch my skin again; I was having goose-bumps. I didn’t notice the time when he entered the store. He came to me and handed the paper bags full of clothes with a pair of sandals. 

“I bought all the sizes so you could choose, di ko kase alam yung sukat mo”, I heard him say.

“Ah, eh thank you pero pauwi na rin naman ako, so no need”, I refused his offer.

“No, just wear the size that will fit you, baka magkasakit ka pa”, he insisted.

“O, okay”, I replied.

 I changed my clothes and removed my shoes inside the comfort room. I even used the bidet just to wash my hair. As I came out, I saw him standing outside waiting for me.

“Come on, follow me”, he demanded.

I followed his lead towards the parking lot. I don’t know what will happen next. My heart beats unsteadily. 

“Wait for me, I’ll get my car”, he told me.

*beep* *beep* car honks.

“Get inside, I’ll take you home.”

“Thank you but I can afford on my own.”

He got out of the car and opened the passenger seat for me. I was hesitant to grab the offer because of safety purposes but he was insisting that I should get I ride with him.

“No, I can’t.”

“Okay, but you owe me one.”

I thought of him referring to the clothes and sandals that I’m wearing. 

“How much is the price?” asking him as if I have an amount of penny to pay.

“That’s not what I mean”

“Eh, ano?”

“Please, just let me take you home.” 

“Are you sure? Napakalayo ng bahay ko mula rito.”

“Yup, promise I won’t do anything bad to you.”

I was convinced by his intentions. Maybe he was just as good as the Samaritan in the Bible. But it’s too much, these were too much.

On our way home, I was just silent. It was unusual to have a ride with a stranger. He started to talk asking me some stuffs, his mouth instantly became a machine gun.

I didn’t manage to keep quiet that I started answering his questions until we both at lost for words. It was already a dead air. When I turned to look at him, I was mesmerized by his facial features.

Brown, talking eyes. Bow-shaped lips. Perfect jaw. Curvy cheeks. Smooth Eyebrows. Long Eyelashes. Black and messy hair. I can’t afford not to steal a glimpse.

The car stopped at the tollgate. I wasn’t aware that he was already looking at me; he caught me staring at him. I was an awkward moment for the both of us. He was busy driving while I focused my eyes on the road to instruct him with directions. 

I fell short asleep. He wakes me up and told me that we are already inside the subdivision where I live in. I thanked him for giving me clothes to change and for taking me home.

“Wait, you forgot something”

I turned my back to look at his direction. He swiftly ran to me.


“You owe me this” his lips lurked at mine.

“What was that?” I curiously asked him.

“Isn’t it obvious? I like you”

“Then, you owe me your heart”, we shared the taste of love.

Again, the rain poured down on us. 

Under the rain, I found something worth keeping.

Under the rain, I found someone who shared the refuge of his umbrella.

Under the rain, I found someone that I would want to spend the rest of my life with. 

It seems normal to offer something to someone without hesitation. It seems normal to share an umbrella under the rain. It seems normal to take an offer without thinking anything bad.  It seems normal for two boys to stare at each other. It seems normal to kiss someone whom you feel in love with.

If that what it takes to be in love, then I will always let the rain pour down.  







Christian Jovi Blancaflor Daileg
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