
To My Long Lost Love


It was December

A cold breeze of the wind, 

When I felt a chill on my being, 

As I read a message needs reading. 


I felt the need

To send it to people indeed, 

As I’m scared with the curse, 

And what it might be bring to me at all. 


Then an unknown number appear, 

Who put that scary feeling at rear, 

And told me it will be alright

As such things are not really true. 


We started talking and sending messages, 

And he’s quite generous to lend me,

Just to send a message of assurance, 

That he’s there to talk with me and alike. 


As months went by, 

We began to know more, 

Of each other’s likes and dislikes, 

Until such feelings blossom in our hearts. 


He told me he loves me, 

And it made me felt confused. 

He gave me time to think, 

But I know what I feel for sure. 


We became “one” in the digital world 

But never in the real world. 

Yet we cherish each other’s presence, 

And make sure of each other’s essence. 


But months became years, 

And there was no assurance of meeting as such, 

Just promises left unfulfilled, 

That makes my heart falter and fall. 


I said goodbye and stop the charade, 

Yet he asked for second chance that I chose not to give, 

As I’m fed up with all his thoughts, 

And not fulfilled each uttered word. 


It has been years since then

But the memories are still there, 

I have regrets as such 

But I live and love my life now. 


Yet, to my long-lost love, 

Thank you for teaching me, 

That love comes in all forms and ways, 

That love can make me appreciate myself more. 


To my long-lost love, 

I hope your happy now, 

I’m happy as well, 

Let’s live our life now. 


Our memories together are much 


As it’s been frozen in time for us to





Mian Zeder
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