
The Glass of Water

Once upon that time
There was a glass of water
Pure as it is, it reflects every image, bends every light
And reverses any reflection of the outside.

One day, it just took a happy stroll
When sprinkles of dirt entered the glass of water
And another
And another.
Each time it strolls, there it is again
And another
And another.

The glass of water had enough and hid under the tunnel.
It then rained.
It then took a few steps backward.
Until it darkens
The glass of water stumbled upon a stone and cracked its glass.
Such bad luck.
And there it sits
Viewing the dim light
To where it came from
Locking itself from the outside
No longer pure, no longer clear.
Can’t reflect any image, nor bend any light
There was once a glass of pure water
Once upon that time

katherine maurice
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katherine maurice

All of these thoughts but no one to share with Take time to read and have fun

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